Hillsborough River State Park

Landscape Photography

Immediately after clicking the shutter, I knew I captured something special. I wish I could say that happened every time I went out to photograph landscapes, but the fact is, that may only happen a few times in a busy year. Ansel Adams said it best when he said: "Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer, often the supreme disappointment". My journey at Hillsborough River State Park started my freshmen year in college, and continues today (although I don't get out to shoot as much as I used to). In college, I spent every Sunday for months photographing until dark. I often only came away with mosquito bites. But I also came away with an intimate knowledge of the river, and got to witness drastic changes in the color of the water, the height of the flow, and vegetation in and around the river. This past Sunday, was the first time I returned with my camera in a long time. I may not have created anything special yesterday, but I walked away knowing the images I created in the past are moments that can never be recreated. They are more than my interpretation, but a record of my journey. The image below was created more than three years ago. I came back the next Sunday after I made this image, and the water was no longer flowing in the same area.undefined