5 questions to ask your grandparents


 The older I get, the more I realize just how blessed I am to have all four of my grandparents still here. Not only that- but I get the opportunity to see them at least once a month, and speak to them often! I always say I had six parents growing up- one set of grandparents worked at my elementary school, and the other set lived a block away from me. I understand time with every single loved one is finite, and I want to be more intentional with getting to know even my closest family members and friends as we move into 2019!

Here are some of the best questions I’ve asked my own grandparents recently (the answers were SO good!) and I hope they’ll serve you as well as they did me.

(Please note- you can also ask most of these questions to people other than your grandparents to get to know them better too!)


1) What has been the happiest day of your life so far, and why? (Answers aren’t always what you think! And it’s pretty hilarious to watch your grandma give grandpa the side eye if he says something OTHER than the wedding day- lol!)

2) What are some of the mischievous things mom did as a kid? (Or dad of course… this one is GREAT! Learning all the dirt on your parents :) )


3) Tell me a story from your childhood- can you remember a day when you were really happy? (Unexpectedly a tear jerker to watch someone in their 80’s reminisce about getting a tricycle or sinking the winning basket at a high school game)

4) How did you know grandma (or grandpa) was the person you wanted to marry? (This story turned into a series of questions where I learned my own grandma wore a pink pant suit at her own wedding when she was 20… can we say QUEEN?!)

5) And finally my personal favorite… Have you ever been arrested? (Don’t know about your family, but my own had some pretty hilarious and unexpected stories come out of this one!)


So there you go- some of the best questions I’ve ever asked my grandparents! I encourage you to take them with you over the holidays and ask them when you can- then just sit back and enjoy amazing stories and conversation! We wish you a blessed Christmas with your loved ones, and a Happy New year!

