Olympic National Park

Six years ago, I traveled to a place beyond my wildest imagination. A national park where  in one day, you can be among the towering sea stacks along the Pacific Coast, then a temperate rain forest with giant sitka spruce and douglas fir trees covered in moss, and finish the day off with Glacier covered peaks in the Olympic range. Never before or since have I experienced a place like Olympic National Park.Today I leave for my favorite city Seattle, then I'll spend a full day at Mt. Rainier National Park, and then 5 days in Olympic National Park (4 of those days will be in the backcountry in the Hoh Rainforest and the alpine meadows overlooking Mt. Olympus). I'm going off season, so I will likely see more elk in rut and bears preparing for hibernation than bipeds.

"Trees are the Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven." -Rabindranath Tagore