Three Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

November is always a time we reflect as a society on things we are thankful for.

There’s something about the change in weather, good food, and holidays with family that can really bring out feelings of gratitude! I don’t know about you- but sinking in thankfulness can really affect life as a whole, and helps me see the world with an all around better attitude! It’s why Justin and I use the below tips all year long to try and bring gratitude into our lives not just in November- but each and every day. We hope they’ll serve you as well as they’ve served us over the years!

1) The 5 minute Journal

Justin and I absolutely love this journal! It’s in the title: It takes only five minutes of your time per day! The journal challenges you to think of things you’re grateful for in the morning, and things that happened each day that were “good” at night. It’s a small thing, but even marinating in thankfulness just a few minutes a day has a huge impact. Plus- it’s an easy way to preserve memories to look back on you may have otherwise forgotten!Buy it here

2) Time in Prayer or Meditation

Justin and I have both have had a habit throughout our marriage of spending time in prayer each and every morning. Through crazy times in life, moving, good times and bad- this habit has remained consistent. We both spend a good chunk of our time in prayer telling God the things in life we are most grateful for: From our home and each other, to how delicious coffee tastes ☺ Seeking out things big and small to verbalize each day makes a huge impact on perspective.If you prefer a devotional to help guide your prayer, we like this one

3) Write Thank Yous!

Maybe it’s the southern gal in me- but I LOVE a good thank you note, as does Justin! Not only does everyone love to get mail, but it makes both the writer and the reader have the warm fuzzies ;) Taking the time to write out what makes you grateful for someone is such a small gesture that can really humble you, and make you feel thankful for what you’ve been gifted in that friend or family member! It’s a more unique and fun form of reflection, and only takes few minutes!I always stock up on thanks yous from Target like these.

I hope you loved these three simple ways to shift your focus on gratitude all year round! Go buy that 5 minute journal and a pack of thank you’s, and wake up a few minutes earlier to pray or meditate. I guarantee you’ll feel a difference and become as hooked on these as we are!


Ashley & Justin