3 reasons to document your years


If someone were giving out time machines, would you take one? 

I know I would. It would be amazing to own something that could take me back to our first date, our engagement, our wedding, our first anniversary…. and when we have our first home and kiddos of our own, I have a feeling I’d want that time machine even more! 

Even though real time machines don’t exist, we believe we’ve found the next best thing: annual family portraits. If you’re on the fence about an annual photo session, I promise this blog will help you to realize all the important reasons to document your life each and every year so that you can book your session with confidence! 

(And speaking of family pictures, be sure to read to the bottom for an exclusive opportunity as one of our blog readers!)


1)  They last forever (and increase in value over time) 

So to our time machine point…. annual portraits are literally something that will last forever. Do you have any black and white pictures of your grandparents and great grandparents around? It’s truly amazing to be able to own something that was once theirs, and to keep passing the heirloom through the family for generations.

But before they even make it to heirloom status: Photographs have always had a magical quality to them that freezes the subjects in time, and can bring up so many happy memories as you look back. I know I feel that way when I look back on our engagement pictures! We’ve definitely learned that portraits actually increase in value over time. Seeing those pictures a few months after they were taken was special, sure, but years later I feel even more grateful to have them! (And to look back on our baby faces… omg!) 

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2) You make fun memories together

After the year we’ve had… I think we all deserve a GOOD TIME right about now! Can I get an amen?!

Portrait sessions are FUN- especially with kiddos! For some I know it can seem like a lot to schedule the session, get outfits together, drive there, etc. but at the end of it, kids always walk away having had a blast (at least with us!). We try to help the session feel like a game to kids, and make it a goal to give them lots of laughs a little breaks when they need them. Plus, we always keep fruit snacks on hand for a job well done :) (NOT a bribe… an incentive! lol!) Between the tickle fights, the running, the playing, and the clown behind the guy with the camera (me!) kids usually walk away none the wiser that we’ve taken a million pictures of them.

Next year they’ll be asking “Mom- when are we getting our pictures taken again?!” 

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3)  These moments are truly once in a lifetime

Goodness, time is fleeting. No, really… Research shows your brain's internal clock runs more slowly as you age--which means the pace of life actually seems to speed up.

So before you blink and your baby becomes a toddler right before your eyes, capture them as they are. While they still want your snuggles, while they still thinking climbing trees is a blast, or while they still do that cute crooked smile… capture it. I can bet later you’d be willing to give just about anything to remember those sweet little nuances, and with professional images to cherish- you can! 

Bonus: You will DEFINITELY break out the pictures to show future girlfriends, and that in and of itself is priceless ;) 

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I could go forever about the reasons to document your family annually, but I’m keepin’ it short and sweet today. They last forever, they’re fun, and this moment you’re in now will only happen once. If you were doubting if family photos were right for you, I can bet now you aren’t! I promise you- it’s so worth it. 

Our annual fall mini sessions go live on Monday, 8/31/20 at 11:00am! BUT do you want exclusive access to be one of the first to snag your spot? Newsletter subscribers will receive first access to the signup link at 9:00am on 8/31. These sessions sell out quickly each and every year, so don’t miss this unique chance to get the best date and time for you! 

Our top 3 tips for stress free family wedding day photos


If your family is anything like mine, they can be a wild bunch. Trying to organize a group of my nearest and dearest is a little bit like herding kittens… you too? If your answer is yes, the idea of organizing not one but TWO families together for wedding day family portraits that are beautiful enough to last a lifetime WITHOUT any yelling or eye rolling might seem like an impossibility! BUT I’m here to tell you- I’ve got you, girl! Below I’m spilling my three BEST tips on streamlining family photos so that you can get frame worthy portraits in an efficient and stress free way. Before you know it, you’ll be at cocktail hour with a mojito in hand and preparing to dance the night away!


1)  Keep your post ceremony groupings to immediate family

Ever seen a grandma who has to go to the bathroom and is itching for a white wine spritzer have a total meltdown? Well, let’s just say I hope you never have to. ;) One sure fire away to avoid disasters like this is to keep the number of “post-ceremony picture” family members to a minimum.  Something many of our clients don’t realize is how hectic the family photos can get when the number of people waiting around for their turn starts to creep up! Post ceremony you and your new spouse will be there, of course, plus your officiant, plus your bridal party. Usually that puts the number of people in the room somewhere between 11 and 20 before the family even comes into play! Add in just immediate family (parents, siblings and their spouses, and grandparents), and now the number has jumped to a group of 20-40! Whew! 

The minutes post-ceremony are incredibly exciting, and everyone is waiting their turn to give you two a big hug, catch up with one another, and talk about their favorite moments from the ceremony. Those things can and SHOULD happen! We encourage it! But can you imagine how wild it gets as the number of people in the room slowly starts to grow larger? When you add in aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends, the room can turn from exciting to pretty chaotic! Bonus:  The fewer formal family groupings post ceremony, the more quickly you can get over to your reception area and mingle with a cocktail in hand. 

If you have some larger or more extensive combinations, we think that’s great! We’ll highly suggest setting some time aside during your reception to capture as many different groupings as you may want, without any rush. 


2) Keep everyone informed of the plan

As my mama always said, failure to plan is planning to fail! Ok, that’s a little dramatic when we’re talking about family pictures… but I think the sentiment still holds true ;) If we ever see family photos shift from relaxed to stressful- it’s usually because people aren’t aware of the plan! This is a simple fix that will create a much more laid back atmosphere during family pictures. 

After your family photo list has been created and confirmed (we help each of our clients with this a few weeks prior to the wedding!), be sure to talk to each person on the list and remind them of when and where you’ll be taking pictures. If you are taking your family photos before your ceremony, I highly suggest telling them to be in the location ten minutes before we plan to begin! If you’re doing them after the ceremony, give your loved ones a gentle reminder that sticking around, rather than wandering off to the bathroom or to grab a “quick cocktail” will ensure a much smoother and faster photo time so you can all get to mingling with your guests at cocktail hour! 

Pro-tip: Make an announcement at your rehearsal dinner that only immediate family photos will be taking place post-ceremony, and extended family during the reception. This way, aunts and cousins don’t automatically stay after your I do’s and create a crowd in the room that isn’t on the list. 


3)  Double check the list with both sets of parents 

Nothing is more awkward than successfully breezing through your entire family shot list, only to find that your mom has told people to stay behind who weren’t on the list.As the person who usually wrangles family together for the pictures- if I don’t have the names on my list, I’m not able to call out combinations and get those extra people organized! This tip is short and sweet: Be sure both sets of parents are aware of your shot list and enlist them to help spread the word to all the family members as to when they’ll be grabbing a picture with you: pre-ceremony, post-ceremony or during reception! 

Bonus: It’ll make mom and dad happy to know you’re keeping the pictures they want in mind too :) 


There you have it! My three BEST tips on streamlining family photos so that you can get frame worthy portraits in an efficient and stress free way. By keeping post-ceremony groupings to a minimum, creating a plan, and looping in your families to the plan- you’ll be celebrating your newlywed status at cocktail hour before you know it! 

So: Start prepping your family NOW for the wedding day and create a plan of action! And to our clients, just remember: we’re ALWAYS here to lend a helping hand. Can’t wait! 


PS- If you need more wedding planning tips, why not check out 5 tips to make mis-matched bridesmaids dresses work?

5 ways to make mismatched bridesmaids dresses work


Because of my background working in bridal salons, people ask me often “How can I make mismatched bridesmaids dresses work”? 

The truth is- there are MANY different options to the mismatched route! I’ll detail some choices and examples for you below so you can make sure you have mismatched maids done right on your wedding day!

1)  You choose the designer and color(s), and your bridesmaids choose a neckline

This option is usually done through a retail store for bridesmaids dresses, such as Bella Bridesmaids or a bridal shop that carries maids as well. With this choice, you (the bride) would choose the dress color, fabric, and overall style. Then, based on body shape and comfort level, your bridesmaids can each choose a different neckline!


2) Everyone chooses their own dress in the same fabric and length

This option works really well for basic colors like black or navy. That said, this Mustique Island bride decided to let her maids choose “any long chiffon dress in any shade of blue” and I have to say it actually worked out really well! 

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3)  Everyone chooses their own dress within a wide theme

I would say this is happening more and more and tends to end up looking pretty amazing if your maids have great taste. With this choice, it’s fun to give your bridesmaids a mood board or even a few paint sample cards to get an idea of color and style you prefer. After that- it’s up to them! This results in a mix of textures, colors, and styles, and can have a pretty cool effect!

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4)  Everyone chooses their own dress in one color

With this choice, you can give your bridesmaids a color, but they’ll get to choose any fabric and style. This tends to work well with neutral colors: Champagne, navy, black, or grey.

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5)   You assign your bridesmaids different dresses to create an ombre or more controlled look

This is the option for the bride who likes to have a bit more control over the bridesmaids situation! With this choice, you can go for the mis-matched look, yet fully dictate what each girl wears so you create an exact vision. A girlfriend of mine did this a few years ago and I actually loved it! She kept in mind colors and styles that would flatter each of us, and the dresses looked amazing together.

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No matter which option you choose, we’re forever a fan of the mismatched bridesmaid trend! Follow us on instagram to get even more bridesmaid inspiration at @justindemutiis!


Happy Planning!


PS- Want more wedding day planning tips? Take a look at our top ten wedding day bouquet blogs right here!

3 at home date night ideas


Are you and your partner feeling a little cooped up during this quarantine? I know for Justin and I, the days are starting to get a little monotonous… and that’s the last thing we want to feel in our relationship! We decided to commit to an in-home date night every week to help bring a little fun back into life, even in the midst of this pandemic.

Read about our three favorites below!


1)   Album and takeout night

This date night was a life-saver for us. Honestly, I’ve been feeling pretty sad the last few weeks. I’m grieving for our brides and grooms postponing events, I’m feeling for so many that are sick or have a loved one who is, and for all the business owners out there who are struggling. There’s so much running through my mind each day, and I really needed a happy distraction!

Re-living our wedding day was just the ticket. It was nice to forget about all the problems for an evening and be able to look back on the happiest day! Flipping through our album together is always so sweet- I get misty every time we do it because I know I’m holding something we’re going to have for decades…. some day we’ll flip through it with our kids! Ah- I could cry right now.  If you aren’t married yet, I highly suggest flipping through past photos you’ve taken together or your engagement session album instead :)

We also watched our wedding video from Voila Cinematic, and ordered Chinese food we paired with some white wine. The perfect romantic night to reminisce on happier times.


2)   Cooking class night

Who needs live cooking classes when you can find them online?! ;) This was actually a super fun night for us. We cracked open a bottle of wine and put on our aprons and tried an online recipe from @chef.joe.sasto. (Any other top chef fans out there?!) He’s got a bunch saved on his story highlights! We had the best time. It was so fun to try a new recipe together and take our minds off any stress. And of course, it was delish, so that was a huge plus!

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3)    Blanket fort and movie night

When things are worrisome, there’s no better time to bring out your inner kid,  blanket fort style. We whipped out all of our extra sheets and went to town on the living room! Then we rented a movie, popped some popcorn and relaxed on the living room floor. It was so needed and the perfect in home date night!

There you have it! Three in home date nights. I hope you and your partner will be able to try at least one of these to get your date on even indoors! Do you have other in home dates you like? Send me a DM over on instagram- I love to hear other date night ideas.


Happy planning!


PS- If you’re wanting to get inspired by some of our favorite date nights to do AFTER to quarantine is over, click here!

5 reasons to consider a first look


Ah, the question every one of our wedding clients seems to ask: “Should I do a first look?” And as much as I wish I could give you a magical answer, it’s just not possible!  

 The decision to do a first look or wait for the “aisle moment” has to be a personal call- and I’d never be able to tell someone which is the best fit for them. What I CAN do, however, is speak to my own experience- and I pray our thoughts will help you in deciding for yourself!

 When Justin and I were engaged, I was team “aisle moment”, and he was team “first look”. Spoiler (if you couldn’t tell by the title): We did a first look. So, when you read these tips, you can do so with an open mind knowing I myself was converted into a first look fan! Below I’m giving you my five top reasons you should consider a first look:


1)   You get to enjoy more time with your fiancé

I’m bringing ya this one first because honestly, it’s far and above the most important reason I converted to a first look! 

During our engagement, I was counting the seconds until our wedding! I could hardly wait to talk to Justin about my dress, to see him all spiffed up, and to give him a huge hug and kiss on our WEDDING DAY! I realized without a first look, I wasn’t going to be seeing Justin until 5:00pm…. Basically I was spending 9 hours of our wedding day without him. When I thought about it like this, a first look was a no brainer! The day was about US, so I wanted an US for every moment possible! 

Our first look allowed us to spend several hours together with each other, our families (because we did family photos before the ceremony), and our friends (just hanging out before the I do’s!). These hours were some of the most precious of the entire day, and looking back, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

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2)   It calms the nerves

The thought of walking down the aisle all dressed up with 85 people looking made both Justin and I a little nervous. But no matter what life throws at us, being with Justin can instantly make me calm…. Something about having my person by my side makes everything ok! Do you feel like this with your own fiancé too?  If so, it could be beneficial to consider a first look.

Doing our first look helped me feel so much more at ease walking down that aisle. In addition, it really took the pressure off Justin! There’s this whole “ Is he going to cry?” moment that hangs in the air at every wedding, and Justin could just process the ceremony without overthinking anything because he’d already been with me all afternoon!  

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3)    More time with friends and family at cocktail hour

Our friends and family traveled near and far to be with us in the mountains of Georgia, and the last thing I wanted was to miss an hour of partying with them! If Justin and I hadn’t done a first look, our cocktail hour would have been spent taking pictures with family and each other. While I loved our portrait time, I’m so glad we were able to do it prior to our ceremony so we could spend more quality time with our nearest and dearest!


4)   You’ll feel your emotions more deeply

Have you ever heard a bride say “you better cry or I’m turning around!” jokingly to her groom? Honestly, I probably said it during our engagement too. But truth be told- this was so much pressure for Justin. He’s not a very emotional guy- so why would it be ideal for him to actually let his walls down in front of 85 people?

During our first look, it was just Justin and me, our photographer, and our videographer (both of whom stood back quite a bit). It was private, personal, and one of the most unforgettable moments of my life. I wasn’t distracted by ceremony music, or looking out at a crowd, or anything else. It was just the two of us!

(And yes, he cried. No, I don’t think he would have if we waited for the aisle moment!)  

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5)   You’ll have more time and light for wedding portraits 

One big goal on our wedding day was relaxation. We never wanted to feel forced, or rushed, or stressed! Doing portraits before the ceremony was amazing because our photographer got to take his time and capture some epic portraits. He didn’t have to worry about the sun setting, or squeezing every picture into an hour, etc. He got to do what he did best in a location that was amazing because we had the time!

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While I can’t give you the magic answer for if you should have a first look, I hope my own experience can help you process your own thoughts on the choice! No matter which option you choose, the moment you see your future spouse is sure to be a magical one.


Happy Planning!


PS- If you’re loving the wedding inspiration you found here, you might like these ideas for a wedding day exit!

Ending the blog with an image from our very own first look. Remembering this moment makes me cry!

Ending the blog with an image from our very own first look. Remembering this moment makes me cry!

Our Hawaiian Honeymoon


Forgive me for being just a smidge behind on writing this blog- but my motto is better late than never! On the flight home from our Hawaii honeymoon, I knew I wanted to remember every moment of the ten days we spent there, so I wrote a letter to our families telling them all about the trip. I figured there was no better way to describe our time there than direct excerpts from that letter- so keep on scrolling to read my vivid memories and descriptions of the best vacation we’ve ever taken- Kauai, Hawaii.


We left our venue on Sunday afternoon with some friends and headed to the Atlanta airport. As we should have guessed, we got stuck in a ton of traffic and it was a close call catching our flight to Los Angeles, California! By the time we landed, it was 1:00am Georgia time and we were SO exhausted from the wedding week- we couldn’t WAIT to get into the hotel and get some rest because our flight to Hawaii left at 8:00am the next day. Unfortunately the airport shuttle was having some issues and was seriously delayed, so we waited about thirty minutes before…. Justin realized he left his camera equipment on the airplane!!! We ran as fast as we could to get to guest services, but the plane had just taken off to New Mexico. We filed a report and hoped for the best… and praise God the camera weren’t stolen and were shipped to our hotel in Hawaii 5 days later!


We were buzzing from excitement when we landed in Kauai, and were thrilled to just ride around in our rental car with the top down, exploring the island! We eventually checked into our absolutely stunning hotel, the Ko’a Kea resort. Our ocean view and a bottle of champagne were the perfect way to begin the honeymoon. This hotel is one of our all time favorite places we’ve stayed, because it was very small and intimate. It was mostly filled with couples on a honeymoon or anniversary trip looking for a quiet vacation by the water! Everyone who worked there seemed to remember your name and the service was un-matched. The first night we headed to the beach to watch the sunset, and as we walked along the sand we nearly tripped over an enormous sea turtle taking a snooze! We were absolutely mesmerized and couldn’t believe we were staring at this beautiful creature up close and personal.


We woke up at 5:45 the next morning and walked to the beach once again for sunrise. We were excited to see the sand once again filled with turtles, and a volunteer told us they hunt all night and like taking naps on the beaches in the afternoon. We brought our bible out to the beach and began the book of Jeremiah under a palm tree next to the ocean.


We then headed back to the room to get ready for our first adventure- an ATV tour of Kipu ranch! This turned out to be one of our favorite things we did on our entire trip. For three hours we drove our own ATV on a guided tour through the mountains of the ranch and learned a ton of history on the property, viewing private beaches, and places where they filmed movies like King Kong and Jurassic park. We even got to swing on a rope that was used by Indiana Jones!


The next day we woke up again for sunrise and bible time, and this time we were greeted by monk seals playing in the ocean directly in front of us!


We then took Justin’s favorite adventure- a 60 minute door-less helicopter ride over the entire island. Of course this is where we saw the most breathtaking views. We zoomed through valleys, over mountains, and past countless Na Pali coast waterfalls. We couldn’t seem to get the lumps out of our throats as we marveled at God’s creation (and also held on for dear life!)


After the helicopter we drove to Waimea Canyon, which some call the grand canyon of the Pacific. We took a four mile hike headed to Waipo’o falls, and even saw some mountain goats balancing on ledges across the canyon!


Finally, we drove to the Kalalau lookout and saw the most beautiful view of the trip. The way the mountains and peaks are formed in Hawaii is truly other-worldly! To reward ourselves for our hike we enjoyed Bubba Burgers and Lappert’s Ice cream- two local favorites that did not disappoint.


 Day four of our trip brought rest and then a four hour Blue Dolphin Charter catamaran boat cruise… which I have to say was our least favorite choice of the trip. Can you say SEASICK! The ride was so bumpy due to the giant waves, and there were a whole cluster of people stuck on the boat, sick, the entire time. The main positive side of this choice was the up close views of the Na Pali coast and the sunset complete with a vivid rainbow. Wouldn’t suggest this for anyone without some ginger ale and Dramamine!


Some other highlights of our trip:

  • Shave ice and Acai bowls around every corner

  • Hanalei Bay kayaking

  • Paco’s Tacos (our favorite restaurant on the north side of the island, and crazy affordable!)

  • And finally, our favorite part of the trip- The 8 mile hike along the Kalalau trail! The trail was super muddy, windy, and steep, which made for a great rush and a feeling of adventure! The trail turned into a rainforest basically, and we crossed rivers and walked through puddles to be rewarded with an epic waterfall. We were blessed on this hike with the most amazing views and the best sunset of the trip (it was worth mud up to the knees!).


We truly had the best two weeks of our entire lives between the wedding and honeymoon, and would highly suggest taking a honeymoon or vacation to the island of Kauai! We are itching to go back again- but Iceland is up first!

Five Tampa Bay Date Ideas


Whether you just met someone new, or you're married and you aren’t “dating” anymore (which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t date your fiancé or spouse!) this is the read for you.  Justin and I love to go out at least a few times per month on date nights! Read below for some of our absolute favorites. If you don’t live in Tampa: no excuses! You could easily steal some of these date ideas by Googling “cooking classes” or “dine in theatre” near you! Enjoy!


1) Bok Tower Gardens

Bok Tower is just a short drive away from Tampa in Lake Wales, FL! This place is not only where Justin captures a lot of his engagement sessions- but it’s the first place he realized he loved me- so it’s doubly special! :) Bok tower is a gorgeous, expansive garden that you could spend the entire afternoon at. Long walks through the flowers, lunch at the sweet café, and feeding the Koi fish are some of our favorite things to do there! We often bring a blanket and lay out near the clock tower while listening to the chimes and looking out over the rolling hills (Yes, hills! It does NOT feel like Florida!). Bok tower is one place you definitely have to go with your hunny.


2) Dinner and a movie at Cinebistro

My bridal shop job used to be nestled right in Hyde Park Village and Justin spent quite a few hours there flirting before he asked me out :) Cinebistro is super cool because not only is the location adorable, but you can do a dinner/movie combo! You’ll want to pick your seats prior to arrival because the specious, spread out seating is limited- but the smaller theaters are worth it! This place is 21 and up so no noisy kids, and you can have a glass of wine while you watch. You also get huge comfy chairs and the menu is actually delicious! I also always suggest getting there early to walk around Hyde Park, grab a coffee, or do some shopping. You could stay for hours!


3) Fort De Soto

Another engagement session favorite of ours :) We really do take our couples to our favorite places! Whenever we go to Fort De Soto we try to make it a weekday a few hours before sunset. We aren’t huge 100 degree weather people, so our favorite times to go are November through March funny enough! We like to bring a blanket and some snacks and find a cozy spot under the trees to watch the sunset- it’s not to be missed! Our secret spot: Park at the North beach and when you get down to the sand, turn left. Walk for a few minutes and you’ll be rewarded with a cluster of trees you can cozy up under to get some shade and privacy!


4) Cooking classes at Sur La Table

Another Hyde Park gem! Sur La Table offers cooking classes every week that are worth every penny. Not only do you get a lesson from a local chef, but you also get to eat the delicious food after all your hard work! They also give you the recipes so after you learn to cook it, you can execute at home. Pro tip: Bring your own bottle of wine! They will open it for ya and you can enjoy a glass while you slave away in the kitchen ;)


5) Walking or Bike Riding on Bayshore Boulevard

You simply can’t go wrong with this Tampa date classic. Bayshore is definitely a favorite road of ours in Tampa because the huge sidewalk allows for biking and jogging alike all while gazing at beautiful downtown Tampa over the water! If we are biking, we love to ride down to the park at the end and get a cup of ice cream while strolling around. If we walk, we actually like to mix it up and peek through the beautiful side streets along Bayshore and pretend house shop :) There are so many historic homes and it’s super cool to see how they’ve been updated over the years!  

There you have it! We hope these five favorite dates of ours will have you feeling inspired to try something new and fun with your partner. If you need more date inspiration, check out our top five Rainy Day Dates here!

5 Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s day is TOMORROW, and some of you may be scrambling to find the perfect gift! Never fear- we wanted to share some easy ideas that will help you plan something special in the nick of time.

We are huge fans of the 5 love languages test (find it here) because it helps you to understand and connect with your fiancé/spouse on an even deeper level! If you haven’t taken it, we highly suggest it. Then scroll below to find the perfect Valentine’s idea for your hunny based on how they best receive love.


1) Valentine’s ideas for “Acts of Service”

This is always a high scoring love language for me (Ashley) and Justin definitely loves me well in it! Some things he has done for me in the past that would make great gifts-

-  Taking the car to get detailed

- Breakfast in bed

- Cleaning the entire house (OR gifting a service to do it- two love languages for one!)

- In home spa day complete with a pedicure and massage (I think I speak for every girl when I say make sure to get the good polish, I like this brand)


2) Valentine’s ideas for “Physical touch”

Physical touch is a big one for a lot of people, including Justin! Some of the best gifts and dates you can give to someone with this as a love language are-

-A dance class (For those of you who live in Tampa, we did swing dancing at this studio)

-A snuggly stargazing date (Justin’s personal favorite! Complete with a late night snack basket and wine)

-A couple’s massage (Try the spa at the Epicurean, a personal favorite of ours)


3) Valentine’s ideas for “Words of affirmation”

Justin and I both score high on words of affirmation, so we have personally used the ideas below and love them-

-Letters to my husband (I used these and gifted them to Justin on our wedding day)

-Love Jar or Love Balloons- write out as many reasons why you love your fiancé/spouse as you can think of on slips of paper. Then put them in balloons for your love to pop or in a jar so they can reach in and read one anytime!

-A poem or song (I wrote one for Justin on our wedding day as well! It definitely wasn’t fancy or overly clever… but he loved it because I put in effort. The thought is what counts!)


4) Valentine’s ideas for “Quality time”

This is one of the easiest love languages to gift for because all you need (mostly) is YOURSELF! If your fiancé/spouse really resonates with quality time, simply plan a date, and you are set. Here are some of our favorite ideas-

-Date night box (we have purchased this one before and like it!)

-Painting class, or painting pottery

-Cooking class (Try Sur la Table , it’s phenomenal! Pro tip: bring your own bottle of wine!)

-Renting bikes and riding along the water or in a park


5) Valentine’s ideas for “Receiving gifts”

This is the most difficult to give advice on, because gifting thoughtfully requires a lot of effort on the gifters part- you have to listen as much as you can! Justin is so thoughtful, and whenever he hears me mention something I like or want, he makes a note on his phone! That way when an occasion comes along to get a gift, he has a whole list of ideas. We’ll try to provide some inspiration to get you started below-

- Does your fiancé/spouse like wine or whiskey? Pick up their favorite bottle or visit a winery/distillery and choose a bottle together!

-Any coffee fans out there? You can’t go wrong gifting local beans, or even a new accessory! I bought Justin the Nespresso (see them here) and it’s been a big hit!

-Justin gifted me a t-shirt quilt from Project Repat and I LOVED it because it helped me clear up space in my dresser without parting with some fun memories. (Find them here)


 We hope these ideas have helped inspire you this Valentine’s day! We’d love to hear if you used any of them- pay us a visit on instagram (@justindemutiis) and let us know what you thought! 

XO Ashley

Want even more gift ideas? Try our blog 7 ideas for gifting experiences for additional inspiration!

Three Ways to Cultivate Gratitude


November is always a time we reflect as a society on things we are thankful for.

There’s something about the change in weather, good food, and holidays with family that can really bring out feelings of gratitude! I don’t know about you- but sinking in thankfulness can really affect life as a whole, and helps me see the world with an all around better attitude! It’s why Justin and I use the below tips all year long to try and bring gratitude into our lives not just in November- but each and every day. We hope they’ll serve you as well as they’ve served us over the years!


1) The 5 minute Journal

Justin and I absolutely love this journal! It’s in the title: It takes only five minutes of your time per day! The journal challenges you to think of things you’re grateful for in the morning, and things that happened each day that were “good” at night. It’s a small thing, but even marinating in thankfulness just a few minutes a day has a huge impact. Plus- it’s an easy way to preserve memories to look back on you may have otherwise forgotten!Buy it here


2) Time in Prayer or Meditation

Justin and I have both have had a habit throughout our marriage of spending time in prayer each and every morning. Through crazy times in life, moving, good times and bad- this habit has remained consistent. We both spend a good chunk of our time in prayer telling God the things in life we are most grateful for: From our home and each other, to how delicious coffee tastes ☺ Seeking out things big and small to verbalize each day makes a huge impact on perspective.If you prefer a devotional to help guide your prayer, we like this one


3) Write Thank Yous!

Maybe it’s the southern gal in me- but I LOVE a good thank you note, as does Justin! Not only does everyone love to get mail, but it makes both the writer and the reader have the warm fuzzies ;) Taking the time to write out what makes you grateful for someone is such a small gesture that can really humble you, and make you feel thankful for what you’ve been gifted in that friend or family member! It’s a more unique and fun form of reflection, and only takes few minutes!I always stock up on thanks yous from Target like these

I hope you loved these three simple ways to shift your focus on gratitude all year round! Go buy that 5 minute journal and a pack of thank you’s, and wake up a few minutes earlier to pray or meditate. I guarantee you’ll feel a difference and become as hooked on these as we are!


Ashley & Justin